Freya provides you with two hooks to help you animate your components.
This a very simple hook that will let you animate a certain value from an inital
value to a final
value, in a given duration
of time. There are a few animations that you can choose from:
- Linear
- EaseIn
- EaseInOut
- BounceIns
Here is an example that will animate a value from 0.0
to 100.0
in 50
milliseconds, using the linear
fn main() { launch(app); } fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { let animation = use_animation(cx, || 0.0); let progress = animation.value(); use_memo(cx, (), move |_| { animation.start(Animation::new_linear(0.0..=100.0, 50)); }); render!(rect { width: "{progress}", }) }
This hook let's you group a set of animations together with a certain type of animation
and a given duration
. You can also specifiy a set of dependencies that will make animations callback re run.
Just like use_animation
you have these animations:
- Linear
- EaseIn
- EaseInOut
- BounceIns
Here is an example that will animate a size
and a color in 200
milliseconds, using the new_sine_in_out
fn main() { launch(app); } const TARGET: f64 = 500.0; fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element { let animation = use_animation_transition(cx, TransitionAnimation::new_sine_in_out(200), (), || { vec![ Animate::new_size(0.0, TARGET), Animate::new_color("rgb(33, 158, 188)", "white"), ] }); let size = animation.get(0).unwrap().as_size(); let background = animation.get(1).unwrap().as_color(); let onclick = move |_: MouseEvent| { if size == 0.0 { animation.start(); } else if size == TARGET { animation.reverse(); } }; render!( rect { overflow: "clip", background: "black", width: "100%", height: "100%", offset_x: "{size}", rect { height: "100%", width: "200", background: "{background}", onclick: onclick, } } ) }